I'm not a kid anymore. Huh? For some reason, I haven't yet grasped the idea that I'm an adult. Maybe it's because I'm the youngest of four so I've always been the baby, I don't know? Today was a beautiful day in Nashville. I spent quite awhile outside, mainly because it keeps my house cleaner when Emme is out too, and while I was watching her play, my mind somewhat drifted. Holy cow!!! I'm going to be 33 on Tuesday. Where has all the time gone? How did I get this old?
Friday, I decided to take Emme to the pumpkin patch since we hadn't been this year. I invited a neighbor (Mendy) to come along, who just happens to be a great friend as well. On the way over, we were talking about money, finances, budget, etc. and I told her what our monthly budget was. She looked like she would stroke!
Yesterday, Mendy, Linda (Mendy's Mom), Cynthia (another friend), Emme, and I all went to brunch to celebrate my birthday. Brunch? Not a late night dinner? No karaoke with the girls? Nope. Just brunch, and it was FABULOUS! I can't wait to take Shannon to the place we went because he has such a fondness of breakfast.
Thursday, I'll face a real life scary situation. Shannon's having surgery. We've got a baby. The what if's rattle me every now and again, but mostly I'm okay.
So, I say all that to say this...I'm a grown up. I'm old, I have real bills, real-life situations, and people take me seriously (finally.) So on Tuesday, October 26th, I'm going to embrace my 33 years of life and be proud that I've accomplished so much, in so little time.
Until then...
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