August 19th made six years of marriage for Shannon and I. Tonight, I'm all by myself- Emme's at a friends, Shannon's out of town, and I'm at home, I was thinking about all that can happen in six years. I think I'll reference this post next time I want to buy a new car, since 72 months is the financing magic number these days.
Anyhow, in six years, we've bought two homes and made them home. Probably the best part about buying a home is finding those neighbors who really make it feel like a home. We've been blessed in both neighborhoods we have lived in to have made great, reliable friends.
We've bought four cars. Double ugh. Alas, I think we have vehicles that might last us and the crazy gas prices.
I've taught for 5 years. 25% of my way to retirement. Yeah, right.
We had a baby! And we survived. If we make it through the 2's, well, never mind.
2 of the 3 of us have had our heads cut open and put back together.
We've had 3 roommates. All, whom we miss!
We've joined a church, twice.
Most of all, in six years, we have learned to love through it all. We've loved when it's good, when it's scary, when it's bad, when it's brutal, when we didn't want to, and when it was hard. In six years we've had a lot of ups and downs, good and bad, boring and fun, exciting and scary, triumphs and trials. Best of all, we've had each other, and today I might just be happier than the day we started this journey six years ago. Time flies!
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