Friday, May 25, 2012

What a week...

I honestly don't even know where to begin, except that it's been one of those weeks. I've wanted to write for several days now, but everytime I sat down at my screen I couldn't even focus. It's been zombie land around here. I'll start with last Friday. Last Friday was Field Day at my school. It is "the" event for elementary P.E. It's "the" day that most elementary children look forward to each year. I, get it right. It's not an easy task, but I have things so organized now that it gets easier year after year. Thursday night Emme and I traveled back to school around 7:00 p.m. to set it all up. Duh! Why haven't I thought of that in the past? Normally I have to be at school bright and early to get it set up and rolling, but not this year. Needless to say, I was zonked by the end of the day. Shannon and Emme joined me early in the day and then hit home after lunch to take a nap. A friend of ours was in town for her bachelorette weekend Friday-Sunday. I met up with their crew (Shannon is singing in the wedding next weekend) Friday night for some dinner and fun. Saturday came and I was exhausted! I finally peeled myself off the coach around noon and did little of anything for the rest of the day. Sunday we traveled to Alabama with Shannon to sing. We left early, got in late, and I was already exhausted and the week hadn't even started yet. I'm glad I went because it's rare that I can make trips with Shannon during the school year and I love sharing in his ministry. I'm smart enough to know people enjoy seeing Emme too. She has decided to pour on the charm these days! Monday our air conditioner went out. The temperature here these days is scorching! It feels like August in Texas to say the least. The last thing we needed was for our air to go out. We have a neighbor who is luckily in the heating and air business and he came to our rescue. He checked it, ordered the part, and had us back in business by Tuesday afternoon. Tuesday is when things changed. I got to work and was informed I would be transferring schools next year. What? Several years ago Shannon and I prayed fervently for a change to come (lots of details and too many to list) mainly because I desired to work with older children. There are many advantages to working with the older kids, and there are also advantages to working with the little guys as well. I was told I would also be coaching at my "new" position. I was shocked, sad, scared, shameful, excited, happy, all at the same time. Why me? Well, because of some things that happened at another school they needed to make some moves. In essence, our HR department had to make changes and they knew several years ago I had asked to be considered for teaching older grades. Reality set in, after the shock wore off, and I thought to myself...."I can't do this, not now, I have a 3 year old, what if...." Coaching will be too much to handle at this point. Shannon travels, Emme's 3 (gasp), I'm working on my doctorate, Shannon's dystonia, travel during the breaks and summer, eeeeek! Wednesday and Thursday are pretty much a blur. Welcome to zombie land. Everytime I thought about the new job I panicked. The absolute best part about Wednesday was having dinner with an old college player and her husband. They are expecting a baby anyday now (Emma Grace) and I am so proud of the woman she has become. I had to miss her baby shower and I wanted to make it up to her while meeting her husband and introducing them to my humble family. I can't wait to see them again! We live so close here in Nashville and it seems life just gets too busy, but that's not an excuse! Secretly, I can't wait to hold that baby :) And then today, off I went to meet my new Principal. She talked, I listened, I talked, and she listened. They have a coach already in place. I don't have to coach! I assured the Principal I would help in anyway possible whenever I was needed. She showed me my classroom. I saw Emme's new daycare (another story to be continued) and I think it's going to be good. When it was time to go, I got in the car and I realized God's had his hand of protection on me this whole time. This IS what we prayed for! Better hours, better schedule, time to work on my school, what's not to like? I CAN do this!

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